We know that returns and complaints about goods are sometimes difficult and complicated, so we are trying our best to make the whole process easier for you.

You have 14 days from the date of receipt of the package with your order to submit a statement of cancellation of any goods purchased in the online store. The next step is to send back the product within 14 days from submitting the statement.  Customers are responsible for return shipping costs. Items can be refunded within the European Union. 


To return or claim a product follow these easy and simple steps. 

1. fill in return form

Print the form and fill in all items describing what happened to the product or the reason for the return. Send it via email orga@nicerway.eu  or add to your shipment. 

2. Prepare and send your return/claim

Make sure that the returned product is in the same condition in which it was delivered to you and does not show signs of use. Please ship your return to the address below using the trackable shipping carrier of your choice.  Kindly include the completed form that comes inside your package:

Demlin 39 L

83-209 Godziszewo,  Poland

email:  orga@nicerway.eu

Drop offs are not accepted at the return address. 

Please remember to keep your parcel number for any further reference (This can be the basis for filing a claim in case of its loss.)

3. Refund or exchange

Return payment will be refunded up to 14 days after delivery of the package to our warehouse. 

Complaints are considered up to 30 days from the date of delivery of the shipment to our warehouse, correspondence with the decision will be sent by e-mail.  If the complaint is considered in favor of the customer – the store will first of all repair the advertised product, and if this is not possible – will make an exchange for a full-quality product. If the replacement will not be possible – the store will refund the amount due within 14 days from the date of receipt of the defective product from the customer.

For any questions please email us at orga@nicerway.eu